Monday, April 20, 2009

Rat Bastards

These were a lot of fun - the evil ones are always more interesting, non?


Noam Sussman said...

these are greeaaaat, son

Keelamari said...

These are pro. May I steal your brain, please?

Kevin Gomez said...

Zomg... wtf these are leet and uber goodness. T.t T-T T_T t,t ~~Sorry, nerd rage~~. Think I'll just give up on character design now. 8)

Evee said...

Thanks guys! Oh geeze, I'm blushing... heeheehheheheheeee, thanks hehe.

Nick Hendriks said...

Hahaha, Evee, the second expression on this page makes me laugh so hard.

The Out Campaign: Scarlet Letter of Atheism